Thank God for Friends!

Life in Lockdown (day 9) - Cara Tweed

Life in lockdown has been ok. I have been trying to fill my time as much as possible - mostly by baking, going in my trampoline and doing schoolwork (which is very boring may I add 😒 ) 

I have also been playing with my dogs - Tilly and Ernie. Here's a picture of Tilly 😃

One thing that i have been enjoying is mum and I redecorating my room! We spent most of last week painting my walls. It's looking great! 

Other than that everything has been BORING! I didn't go into school on the last week, as i had a tummy bug - so i feel like i have been off school for such a long time! 

My Friends have been keeping me sane though - I have been talking to my friend who lives beside me - we talk from our windows!  I have also been face-timing Isla a lot… that’s always a laugh. 

Finally, I wanted to share with you a bible verse that's a good challenge for us all: 

"But you, Timothy, man of God: Run for your life from all this. Pursue a righteous life—a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy. Run hard and fast in the faith."
- 1st Timothy ch:6 v11
(The Message)

Keep safe, 
God Bless, Cara


  1. Cara, Thank you so much for writing this! I'm loving the picture of Tilly - and how lucky for you, that you can chat to a friend across the street from your windows!! Thanks for the encouraging bible verse! Dx


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