Homework, Sleep, Repeat

Life in lockdown (day 12) - Cameron Reid

To be honest, at the start of the lockdown i did not think it would be this boring! Its not all bad though as i do get to lie in until 9ish and don't have to walk to school. I also see more people out walking about. (which is ironic!)

The way i spend most days is - getting up and doing homework for about 3-4 hours, walking the dog to get me out of the house, and talking / playing with my friends online. 

Overall it has actually not been too bad. 

Finally, a big thank you to all those in the NHS. 
Stay safe, Cameron. 


  1. Hey Cameron, thanks for writing to us! The title seems so apt! lol ..and yes it is weird that so many people are out waking... its amazing what happens when people feel they cant do something anymore, even if they dont really want to... like when we are told to stay indoors, suddenly everyone wants to go for a walk! ....oh and thanks for sharing the verse... i needed to hear that today! Dianne :)


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